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Backing up database

Enterprise Edition

The ArangoBackup and ArangoBackupPolicy custom resources for Kubernetes are considered as Hot Backup (see here), which is only available for Enterprise Edition.

The recommended way for creating a backup using the Community Edition of ArangoDB is to use arangodump and to restore the backup with arangorestore. You can download the ArangoDB client tools directly from their website (download the latest 3.11 package starting with arangodb3-client).

3.12 Incompatibility

Please use the latest client tools for ArangoDB 3.11. ArangoDB client tools 3.12 and newer do not work with the ArangoDB 3.11 server.


You will either need a NodePort Service or an Ingress for the ArangoDB in order to connect to it or you could also create a Kubernetes Job for it.

The following is an example for a backup command:

arangodump --server.endpoint http+ssl://<ingress.domain>:443 --server.username <username> --server.database crossd --output-directory <path>/$(date -uI)-$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 status=none | base32 | head -c 5)

It connects to the ArangoDB and backs up the entire crossd database and stores the compressed files in a directory in a path you specify. The subdirectory consists of the date in UTC ISO 8601 format and a 5 character long random string.


You should also note the arangodump limitations.