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Adding tasks

Adding tasks (repositories to scan) works currently via Kubernetes Jobs or CronJobs.

add_task_job.yaml defines an example of such a Kubernetes job. It uses to tool located in tools/add_task to interact with the task queue and the ArangoDB. As the secure connection requires the Kubernetes secrets and the self-signed TLS certificates, we build an image for a pod that can in turn be used by the Kubernetes Job.

tools/add_task/ can be used as follows:

usage: [-h] [--only {bak,metric}] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [-t TAG] owner/name [owner/name ...]

Add a repository to the queue

positional arguments:
  owner/name           owner of the repository

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --only {bak,metric}  limit execution to a single task
  --user USER          arangodb username
  --password PASSWORD  arangodb password
  -t TAG, --tag TAG    Set a tag for the scan