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ArangoDB is used as a persistent storage for data such as repository information and calculated metrics. We utilise the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator for deploying a database cluster.


Collections inside the crossd database:

  • task_results
    • Stores Celery task results, statuses, errors, ...
  • scans
    • Stores information about the scans such as tasks for the repository, tags and connects other documents via the scan id
  • projects
    • Contains owner/name of all scanned projects and the corresponding scan ids
  • repositories
    • Stores information about repositories collected by c-drone
  • metrics
    • Stores results of calculated metrics provided by m-drone
  • bak_repos
    • Stores information about repositories collected by bak-rest-drone
  • bak_metrics
    • Stores results of calculated metrics provided by bak-rest-drone


  • arango-frontend-pwd
  • arango-worker-pwd
  • arango-root-pwd


  • arango-cluster-internal:8529 (internal)
  • arango-cluster-exposed:30529 (optional, external, dev)


  • arangodb-ingress:443 (optional, external)

Interacting Components

  • Frontend
  • Add Task Job
  • m-drone
  • c-drone
  • bak-rest-drone
  • Arango Init Job