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Add Task Job

Kubernetes Job for adding tasks to our Celery task queue as well as creating scans and projects entries in ArangoDB.

Design Decision

We decided to use jobs and therefore separate pods and container images for adding tasks, because we need the certificates for the TLS connections to Redis and ArangoDB (stored inside Kubernetes secrets) and also users and passwords (also stored in Kubernetes secrets).

Additionally, we did not want to require NodePort services (opening the ports on the node) as this cannot be limited to localhost.

Connecting to ClusterIP services (internal) would work, but the IPs are dynamic and we did not want to require changes to the DNS resolver on the host.

Our example add_task_job.yaml uses repositories owner/name arguments provided inside the yaml file, but they could also be provided e.g. via a Kubernetes ConfigMap.


  • arango-worker-pwd
  • redis-auth

Interacting Components

  • ArangoDB
  • Redis